My New Year’s resolution is …

December 28, 2015 admin

Most of us make resolutions every time the new year rolls around: be more healthy, stop biting my nails, read more, save more money, take a trip, volunteer, be more organized, etc.

For many people, a New Year’s resolution is a way to have a more positive outlook on the coming year, and for others it is a way to challenge themselves a bit more.

Business Insider polled some top business industry leaders about their resolutions for 2016. Here are a few of the answers:

  • Dan Ariely, a professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University, plans to say “no” more often.
  • Chad Dickerson, CEO of Etsy, plans to learn Korean.
  • Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post, hopes to get enough sleep.
  • Jane McGonigal, an author and designer of alternate-reality games, would like to say “thanks” more often.
  • Karen Quintos, the CMO at Dell, plans to speak up for women in business.
  • Tony Robbins, a business strategist and author of Money: Master the Game, wants to give back.
  • John Schnatter, CEO of Papa John’s Pizza, wants to get back in shape.
  • Julie Sweet, Accenture’s North American group chief executive, wants to explore the world.

For the full list, click here.

My resolution? To save up and take a trip to Scotland. What’s yours?

No matter what the reason and no matter what the resolution, the only problem is trying to keep that resolution. Good luck!

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DenisewebfinalDenise DeChaine is special projects editor and video production specialist at Institutional Real Estate, Inc.

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