North America is ready to build

November 9, 2016 admin

CG-LA Infrastructure hosted its North American Infrastructure forum in Denver in October. The theme was Blueprint 2025, a working document that was developed before and during the event.

“Note that Blueprint 2025 is very different from think tank and other inside the beltway initiatives because the themes and 19 specific recommendations aren’t invented out of thin air, but are the results of your insights based on your experiences. It is inductive, from the ground up,” says Norman Anderson, CEO of CG/LA Infrastructure.

The Blueprint helped CG/LA and its conference guests develop several objectives, including:

  1. Make infrastructure a top three priority of the next U.S. administration.
  2. Double the level of infrastructure investment in the United States and invest in the right projects, increasingly including projects that will make a difference in our long-term competitiveness.
  3. Help policymakers to develop a sophisticated and practical understanding of infrastructure, especially at the beginning of the next administration.

CG/LA also released its eighth annual Strategic 100 North American Infrastructure report, which details the top 100 North American projects, including the top 10. The report notes:

“In moving to specific country trends, one notes how average project value has remained relatively consistent in Canada while witnessing major increases in both Mexico and the United States. This in part reflects the effects of lower oil and gas prices, which has affected the short-term financial viability of some of Canada’s most expansive (and expensive) projects. While much has been made by both presidential candidates in the recent election about the poor state of infrastructure in the United States, total project value has increased by around 50 percent from last year.”

DrewWebsiteThe views, statements and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Institutional Real Estate, Inc.

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Drew Campbell is senior editor of Institutional Investing in Infrastructure.

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