Black Friday is among us!

November 26, 2014 admin

For those of us, yes, myself included, who like to get great deals during the holidays while we shop for loved ones, Black Friday seems like the ultimate time to cash in and find the best deal around.

The great trend that I’ve noticed over the past few years is that Black Friday sales are starting to happen more early and time goes on, allowing deal seekers to shop prior to the true Black Friday and avoid getting trampled (literally) by overbearing shoppers.

But what does that all mean for the retail market?

An article in Time’s Money section explains that the early sales shouldn’t come as a surprise, considering the overarching trend of retailers attempting to expand the holiday shopping season and grab consumers’ limited gift-purchasing dollars before their competitors can. The article does warn that not all of these early deals are worth getting excited about.

And for a list of when the big sales start, check out this list put together by The Washington Post.

Be on the lookout for a post–Black Friday holiday retail spending forecast. Happy holidays!

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DenisewebfinalDenise DeChaine is special projects editor at Institutional Real Estate, Inc.

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