Billion-dollar headlines

May 28, 2014 admin

Last week, 11 of the 24 headline news items published by IREN covered billion-dollar transactions and fund closings.

To view last week’s issue click here. Some key headlines include:

If you didn’t notice, The Blackstone Group was involved in not one, but three billion-dollar deals:

Money is flowing this year. Let’s do a throwback and see what 2013 was like around this time. Which headlines were catching our eyes?

In the May 24, 2013, issue of IREN, headlines were not bombarding readers with billion-dollar deals, but some high-priced headlines included:

I love billion-dollar headlines. Makes me wish I could spend that kind of money, or dream that investors would give it to me. While that may never happen, I will continue watching the newsfeeds and covering the biggest deals in IREN, praising these high-priced stories.

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AndreafinalwebAndrea Waitrovich is editor of IREN and web content editor of Institutional Real Estate, Inc.

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